#!/bin/sh source $HOME/.xprofile userresources=$HOME/.Xresources usermodmap=$HOME/.Xmodmap sysresources=/etc/X11/xinit/.Xresources sysmodmap=/etc/X11/xinit/.Xmodmap # merge in defaults and keymaps if [ -f $sysresources ]; then xrdb -merge $sysresources fi if [ -f $sysmodmap ]; then xmodmap $sysmodmap fi if [ -f $userresources ]; then xrdb -merge $userresources fi if [ -f $usermodmap ]; then xmodmap $usermodmap fi # Start the window manager: if [ -z "$DESKTOP_SESSION" -a -x /usr/bin/ck-launch-session ]; then # ck-launch-session startkde bbkeys & ck-launch-session /usr/bin/blackbox else # startkde bbkeys & exec /usr/bin/blackbox fi
export LANG=ja_JP.utf8 export LC_CTYPE=ja_JP.utf8 export XMODIFIERS="@im=SCIM" export GTK_IM_MODULE=scim-bridge #export XIM_PROGRAM="scim -d" #export QT_IM_MODULE="scim" scim -d & xset +fp /usr/share/fonts/misc xset r rate 250
remove control = Control_L remove lock = Caps_Lock keysym Control_L = Caps_Lock keysym Caps_Lock = Control_L add control = Control_L add lock = Caps_Lock
# default bbkeys definitions.... [begin] (bbkeys configuration file) [config] [option] (stylefile) {~/local/blackbox-CVS/share/blackbox/styles/Cthulhain} [option] (honorModifiers) {false} [option] (raiseWhileCycling) {false} [option] (showCycleMenu) {true} [option] (menuTextJustify) {right} [option] (followWindowOnSend) {false} [option] (includeIconifiedWindowsInCycle) {true} [option] (autoConfig) {true} [option] (autoConfigCheckTimeout) {2} [option] (workspaceColumns) {4} # [option] (workspaceRows) {2} # only one can be effective at a time # if both are given, workspaceColumns takes precedence [option] (cycleMenuX) {20} [option] (cycleMenuY) {20} [end] [keybindings] (begin keybindings) [chain] (Control-Mod1-W) [sendToWorkspace] (1) {1} [sendToWorkspace] (2) {2} [sendToWorkspace] (3) {3} [sendToWorkspace] (4) {4} [sendToWorkspace] (5) {5} [sendToWorkspace] (6) {6} [sendToWorkspace] (7) {7} [sendToWorkspace] (8) {8} [end] [Lower] (Mod1-Down) [Raise] (Mod1-Up) [toggleShade] (Mod1-F9) [Close] (Mod1-F4) # [Iconify] (Mod1-m) [toggleMaximizeFull] (Mod1-F12) [toggleMaximizeHorizontal] (Mod1-F11) [toggleMaximizeVertical] (Mod1-F10) [toggleOmnipresent] (Mod1-Control-S) [resizeWindowWidth] (Mod1-Control-Shift-Left) {-5} [resizeWindowWidth] (Mod1-Control-Shift-Right) {5} [resizeWindowHeight] (Mod1-Control-Shift-Up) {-5} [resizeWindowHeight] (Mod1-Control-Shift-Down) {5} [moveWindowUp] (Mod1-Control-Up) {1} [moveWindowDown] (Mod1-Control-Down) {1} [moveWindowLeft] (Mod1-Control-Left) {1} [moveWindowRight] (Mod1-Control-Right) {1} [NextWindow] (Mod1-Tab) [NextWindowOnAllWorkspaces] (Mod1-Control-Tab) [PrevWindow] (Mod1-Shift-Tab) #[changeWorkspace] (Mod1-1) {1} #[changeWorkspace] (Mod1-2) {2} #[changeWorkspace] (Mod1-3) {3} #[changeWorkspace] (Mod1-4) {4} #[changeWorkspace] (Mod1-5) {5} #[changeWorkspace] (Mod1-6) {6} #[changeWorkspace] (Mod1-7) {7} #[changeWorkspace] (Mod1-8) {8} #[upWorkspace] (Mod1-Control-K) #[downWorkspace] (Mod1-Control-J) [leftWorkspace] (Mod1-Control-p) [rightWorkspace] (Mod1-Control-n) [showRootMenu] (Mod1-Control-Escape) [Execute] (Mod1-e) {uxterm -fwb sans -sb -rightbar} [Execute] (Mod1-1) {emacs} #[Execute] (Mod1-2) {konqueror ~/Downloads} [Execute] (Mod1-2) {thunar ~/Downloads} [Execute] (Mod1-3) {chrome} [Execute] (Mod1-b) {xterm -geometry 15x1 -e battery} [Execute] (Mod1-m) {amixer set Master toggle} [Execute] (Mod1-f) {amixer set Front toggle} [Execute] (Mod1-0) {amixer set Master 2dB+} [Execute] (Mod1-9) {amixer set Master 2dB-} [Execute] (Mod1-F5) {xrefresh} [Execute] (Mod1-F1) {gnome-terminal} #[Execute] (Mod4-E) {kfmclient openProfile filemanagement} #[Execute] (F20) {kfmclient openProfile filemanagement} [Execute] (Mod4-E) {nautilus ~} #[Execute] (F20) {nautilus ~} [Execute] (Mod1-Control-L) {xlock} [end] (end keybindings) [end] (end bbkeys configuration)
update at 2018/03/02 22:04:51